Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Senyum5000 is often an active participant in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), and through them do we hope to contribute in solving problems such as poverty, limited access to education, economic inequality, and environmental degradation. Through CSR, companies are able to help and care about the community and the environment. Some of CSR programs that Senyum5000 have implemented in the past includes helping with medical expenses, providing halfway houses for treatment, education expenses, building infrastructure for houses of worship, renovating the homes of underprivileged families, and implementing environmental conservation programs. This can improve people’s quality of life, which can have a positive impact on the economy in Indonesia. Although faced with limited resources at times, Senyum5000 plans to continue implementing CSR in a sustainable manner.

Tumorous Polyps Treatment for Bhante, 2020

In 2020, Senyum5000 engaged in providing medical assistance to a Bhikkhu who had health problems due to polyps. In the spirit of sharing, the team not only provided financial support for the medical treatment, but was also actively involved in ensuring the bhikkhu received maximum care and recovery. This action reflects a deep commitment to humanitarian values and empathy by Senyum5000.

Social Service for Individual with Mental Health Issues, 2019

Senyum5000 provided assistance to social homes for people with mental health issues in 2019. This social service was carried out to maintain the warmth and harmony of fellow humans, while also demonstrating how social services can affect the quality of life of individuals facing mental health challenges. Assistance in the form of basic foods assistance, and some other basic necessities.

Home Repair, 2019

Senyum5000 not only focused on assistance in medicine and social services, but also in helping our community through renovating homes. This aid was intended specifically for the underprivileged. This home repair program covers various aspects, ranging from fixing the building structure to other facility improvement. One of such cases was the home repair for Mrs. Urni in 2019. This not only helped physically in the form of a home with improved living conditions, but also a positive psychological impact on the beneficiaries.

Cataract Patient Treatments, 2020

Medical assistance through cataract surgeries free of charge was an iniviative by Senyum5000. Aid in the form of surgery and treatment for cataract provided hope and smiles in those who battled with eye conditions and diseases. This reflects Senyum5000’s dedication in providing positive impacts in medicine.

Stationery Aid for Underprivileged Children, 2022

Senyum5000 gave stationery aid to underpivileged children, making way for their education while sparking their passion for leaning. This initiative affirms their commitment to pave the way for equal opportunities and to support positive potentials in children. This aid was done in 2022, with a few in needs kids.

Ceramics Aid for Temple Terrace, 2024

In 2024, Senyum5000 donated ceramics and renovated Kesadaran Temple in Cilaku, improving the religious facility and the comfortability for the congregation. This aligns with our commitment to support places of worship and to strengthen and sustaining spirituality.

Smile Bring Happiness